Pieter and Tuanette
“We really think that anyone can lose the weight as long as you stay motivated and not give up! We kept each other motivated and on the healthy route but we couldn’t have done it without West Workout and their great support.
This gym REALLY does care about every member that walks through the door. Howard is always there boosting you and motivating you to do better.
It’s fun and always a pleasure to go, you work hard and see results”
Jay Keays
2 years on and still as happy as ever. and 15kgs heavier! shot Howard 🙂
Chaz Malan
If you want to see results, it’s simple, go to West, it’s the best!
Jan-Benjamin Kilb
The personal touch at this gym is incredible.
Dreading any and every gym,
I went to West Workout with the expectation of finding yet another place filled with snobs in hot pants and hotshots looking at you while secretly wondering what the heck you are doing there, disturbing the facade of perfectness…
Much to my surprise, I found instead a family of normal people, getting healthy, working out hard and having fun. No judgement, no raised eyebrows, no parade of hot pants.
And I’m loving it!
2013 at the weight of a mini elephant of 104kg i decided not only for my life but for the sake of my kids i need to do something. Howard did just that in four years im down 44kg and on my way to give it a go for Powerlifting World championships. Although i am a powerlifter i still have the sleek slim look but strong as hell. Howard gave me a second chance, a second chance on being healthy strong and to be proud of myself and of course to be able to run and tackle and play around with my two awesome boys. To be able to reach simple things like climbing a tree with my kids to doing a 125kg deadlift he hasn’t just given me strength but he gave me the ability to have joy back in my life. West workout and Howard know what they are doing. I can promise you that!